Today, we want to chat about something that everyone can relate to. It’s something that we all HAVE to do, but is also a privilege that we GET to do. That thing, my friends, is grocery shopping! It’s safe to say that we all have a love hate relationship with grocery shopping! We thought it would be helpful to talk about all things groceries, and hopefully offer up a little bit of help with your next big trip!
We’ve all heard it a million and one times, so why do we still fall victim to the listless shopping trip? That is the NUMBER ONE way to overbuy at the grocery store! Dedicate a note in your phone to continually remind yourself what you need the next time that you visit the store. Plan out your meals for the next few days. Think through the meals that you want to prepare that week, and then start filling your list with those recipe needs! Consistency is key here! The day you shop, the meals you make, the process you use- it can all affect your grocery experience and satisfaction! A few months ago we published a whole series of grocery shopping tips! Our friend and iTrackBites Coach, Stefanie, has figured out how to buy most of her groceries in one fell swoop, once a month! Read that series HERE! We also published a helpful guide to why and how you should consider ordering your groceries online. Read that HERE!
Hint hint: We have a grocery list feature! It wouldn’t be an iTrackBites blog post without a Meal Plan plug! We love this feature, especially since its most recent face lift! Read about the newest version of iTrackBites Meal Plans HERE. Or, read about the origins of Meal Plans HERE.
Sometimes the hardest part of grocery shopping is picking and choosing the actual best items! We have to know that first and foremost the perfect grocery list, shopping trip, or filled fridge doesn’t exist! Give yourself some grace! If you do have a unicorn/ perfect grocery list or even just a simple, fun recent grocery store find- share it in our community! Check out Stefanie’s favorite vegetable replacement grocery items HERE. Then, read our recommendations for a classic “stocked” pantry HERE!We wish you happy shopping and a peaceful weekend! Share your favorite grocery shopping hacks below!! Happy Tracking!
September 23, 2024