SLOW DOWN: Healthy Habit #4


6-Week Weight Loss Challenge

Healthy Habit #4: Slow Down

Catch up: Healthi Habit #1, Healthi Habits #2, Healthi Habits #3Hi friends! I'm back (Coach Lisa) for week four of our six week challenge!Hard to believe we've been checking in with each other for four weeks now!! I have to say, this challenge was timed perfectly for me, as we've been doing this over the summer season when I want to enjoy and feel comfortable while at the beach, pool and wearing sundresses.How is everyone feeling? Has anyone done the first three challenges consecutively for three weeks? They're hard to complete all together, but the result is so worth it! Being able to complete these small disciplines shows how much control you and your mind have over silly eating habits that we get into.To review; in week one we talked about mindfulness. The challenge was to try to wait and eat until you get home rather than scarfing drive-thru food down in the car. For week two, it was all about portion control. I challenged you all to avoid eating from the original containers of things. Divide up your large bags of pretzels into small jars or ziplocks representing your specific serving. Last week I wrote about eating out of autopilot mode. The challenge was to try and eat with your non-dominant hand or even chopsticks!


This week is all about slowing down your eating. Chances are you're not even aware of this particularly bad habit. This is something that I have struggled with for a long time and still, even after years of on-again off-again trying to make this an unconscious habit, still struggle with. So I'll be doing this right alongside you this week.This for me is my personal nemesis and a habit that even after many years I need to better develop.


Don't put another bite of food in your mouth until you have finished the previous one.It sounds simple but if you slow down and pay attention, how often do you start another forkful before you have even swallowed what is already there? You might be surprised!Watch my Youtube Video here.I would love to hear what you guys think about this challenge. Do you ever think about your eating speed? Do you think this would help your intake. Let me know!Happy Tracking!

Updated on:

September 24, 2024