Spring Cleaning: Kitchen and Pantry


Hi friends! Happy Saturday!

It only felt appropriate to host a big spring cleaning expo, now that the season is in full swing. Especially now that things are opening back up, we’re finding that our schedules are quick to fill! A clean kitchen and pantry do so much more than look and smell nice. It serves our time in that space better. It clears the clutter both physically and mentally. One of our favorite authors and founders, Emily Ley, says: “Remember, anytime you can shave a few seconds off the decision making process, you’ve increased your efficiency and simplicity. Those seconds add up to minutes of your life you’re about to reclaim!”. We couldn’t agree more!

Here are some quick tips and ideas on how to refresh your kitchen and pantry in hopes of sparking a refreshed love for being there!

Consider asking yourself these questions before starting your clean out. What do you want to see when you walk in the door at night, or into the kitchen first thing in the morning? How do you want your kitchen to feel? Next, start to get rid of allllll the things that won’t achieve that vision that you’ve created. What are the foods and the meals that you realistically eat on a regular basis? What are the items that you wish you had more of? What are the things that have taken up pantry or fridge real estate for far too long with no use?

Things to get rid of:

Things to keep:

Take a minute to wipe down EVERY surface in this space. Grab a roll of paper towels, and fresh smelling all purpose cleaner and GO TO WORK! Leave no stone unturned! If you need more help in this department, we wrote an actual kitchen clean-out blog HERE. Now that your shelves are cleared and your surfaces are clean, it’s time to restock the essentials. Grab a notepad, your favorite pen, and take inventory. According to our “fairy godmother” Ina Garten you should always keep these things in your pantry:

That just about covers it, dontcha think? It seems like you can make just about anything with those items on hand! Make a habit of keeping these things on hand. Again, the more mindless you can make your time in the kitchen, the more time you have to mindfully be present with your labor. What other kitchen/ pantry basics would you like to see? We think we should do a whole series on this, what about you?Happy tracking!

Updated on:

September 23, 2024