The Importance of Member Meetings w/Coaches Jeri and Ty

Ashley Delo

The Importance of Member Meetings w/Coaches Jeri and TyHi, Coach Jeri here along with Coach Ty to talk about the benefits and importance of member meetings. Healthi offers daily member meetings, along with Tuesday Talks Live with Courtney and Chris, weekly podcasts with Community Leader Ashley, and the Reflections Podcast with Head Coach Lisa. There is no shortage of tips and support!

Are meetings necessary for weight loss?

For some people, they are. As a veteran weight loser, I am here to tell you they made a huge difference in my success. Finding a good eating plan is only half the battle. There are millions of food plans that work. What many find difficult is learning to maintain a healthy lifestyle. By listening to others share, we recognize that others have the same struggles. The benefits of group support can make a significant difference. Members in a meeting setting find inspiration and support that they may not get from family, friends, or doctors.Most of us experience feelings of loneliness when on a weight loss plan, but in a group that shares the same goal, we can accomplish permanent weight loss knowing others are in the same boat. Discovering you are not alone and that there is support and understanding can make a big difference going forward.

Coach Jeri:

I remember hearing that others hid food and snuck down at night to raid the fridge. I thought, OMG, others do this too!!! I discovered I was not alone. Others have the same issues and they feel free to discuss them in a group. The meetings also provide inspiration. Those who have succeeded share their journey. This is how you learn. The power of meetings has long been documented as a great way to offer support. As a meeting coach, one of the best, and most favorite, parts of the meeting is discussing food finds. Many members have experienced new foods and recipes shared in the meeting. If you feel that a meeting would give you the hope and guidance you need, why not try one of our meeting platforms? We have many coaches for you to find the best fit. Topics are changed weekly so we cover a variety of issues. There is strength in numbers, and accepting help and listening to others is the first step towards accepting that you are not alone.

Coach Ty:

Summer brings so many great things: more sunshine, warmer weather, and fresh produce. Summer also brings events, vacations, and a change in routine. In the beginning of chaos and feeling alone on my journey, I found meetings.I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in January 2023 and joined Healthi for a lifestyle change. While I had the tools, I still felt like I needed support and understanding. I was apprehensive about joining meetings because I thought it was going to be a scripted class. Oh, how I was wrong. In my first meeting, the Coach acknowledged their style and how it was an open conversation built around real life. I was assured that there was a topic, but it was okay to shift gears if real-life topics came up. I enjoyed knowing the meeting wasn’t going to be scripted or robotic—real people, real issues, real understanding. I logged off the meeting feeling a lightness and a sense of community.I logged into more meetings as time went on, building friendships with people I may never meet in real life. Meetings have been impactful in my life in various ways. I can find recipe recommendations, ideas for enhancing my life, action planning tips for events, and food prep inspiration. Healthi Meetings made it so I do not feel alone in my journey, and when we share, we find we aren’t. There were times I felt like giving up, but I joined a meeting to just listen and ended up finding momentum for myself. There is diversity because of the multiple plans, but you still get to learn food finds or ideas that can work for your journey.

Q&A with Jeri and Ty

Jeri: Do you attend other coaches' meetings?Ty: Yes. There are many meetings throughout the week and I attend as many as I can. Every Coach has their own niche and it’s great to absorb their knowledge; they all have their own history.Jeri: How do you get members to share?Ty: I keep my meeting style like friends chatting over brunch. I use real-life challenges and lessons in the meeting so we can help each other.Jeri: Can you remember an inspirational moment that helped the group and yourself?Ty: Yes. One of the members suggested setting daily timers every night for 25 minutes to create a new habit. Myself and other members implemented this and it’s been life-changing.One member shared they have 3 to-dos a night and anything else is a bonus. This was a great way to find grace and enhance life in today’s fast-paced environment.Jeri: What is the best food find you discovered in a meeting?Ty: So many! Skinny syrups for drinks or waters, roasted edamame beans, rice cakes with PB2, Amy’s soups, Boca burgers, Laughing Cow spreadable cheese, and finally Yasso frozen Greek yogurt bars.

The power of community and support in our weight loss journey cannot be overstated. Through the various meeting platforms Healthi offers, we find not only guidance and inspiration but also camaraderie and understanding. Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned member, attending these meetings can provide the motivation and support you need to stay on track. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Together, we can achieve our goals, celebrate our successes, and navigate our challenges. So, why not join a meeting today and experience the benefits firsthand? Let’s continue to support each other and strive for a healthier, happier future!

Updated on:

October 15, 2024