Details on the iTrackBites Podcast

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In case you missed it- we launched a podcast!!

Two days ago we officially launched the iTrackBites Podcast! Click HERE to go straight to Spotify and have a listen to our first two episodes. If you want a quick summary, you can click HERE to read our intro blog post from Monday. We decided that there was no better way to celebrate our podcast, than with our very own podcast host and creator! And today, he's sharing all of the iTrackBites podcast details! You can also listen on Google Podcasts HERE, Anchor.FM HERE, Pocket Casts HERE, and of course Apple Podcasts HERE.Friends, meet Jordan Chops! iTrackBites Social Media and Community Manager, and now: Podcast Host! Take it away, Jordan!

Tell us about yourself and your new (and previous) role at iTrackBites?

Hi there! My name is Jordan, I am a father of two little kiddos (5 yrs & 7 yrs) and have been married to my wife Brittney for 8 years! Before working for iTrackBites I was one of the first few selected Brand Ambassadors for the company that I was so excited to be picked for! Right now, I am the iTrackBites Social Media & Community Manager! I get to create amazing content, and help all of you get your questions answered!

Can you tell us the basics of the podcast and why you started it?

Our podcast consists of two different series right now. First, a "coffee chat" where I get to touch base with your iTB Ambassadors and Coaches to discuss all things health and wellness. This of this as a casual catch up between two friends chasing their goals. And you get to tag along! Secondly, we have a "Member Spotlight" where I get to sit down with different members of the community and discuss their amazing health & wellness journeys. We'll discuss pivotal moments in their weight loss process that we know you'll find inspiring. I started the iTrackBites podcast because I wanted us to reach more of our community members that don’t have the time to always sit at their computer and watch our weekly Facebook LIVE meetings. I wanted our community to be able to listen and get inspired as they are driving to work, or maybe going for a walk after work.

When and where can we listen to the podcast?

Right now you can listen to our podcast on Spotify, Anchor.Fm, Pocket Casts, and soon Apple Podcasts! Each week we have 3 episodes set to go live! Monday - Coffee Chat, Wednesday - Member Spotlight, Friday - Member Spotlight.

What are you most excited about for the iTB podcast?

I’m excited to be able to bring inspiration to our iTrackBites community. We all need some encouragement to get through our daily routines. Especially when weight loss is at hand. Just knowing that you will be able to listen to others sharing their experiences, could be exactly what you need! Everyone's wellness journey is unique, yet we seem to have common struggles that can easily sideline our success.

Where do you see this podcast going and what are your dreams for it in the future?

My dreams for the future of the podcast would be that we gain and connect to listeners around the world! I want everyone to know that the iTrackBites community provides a safe place for guidance and motivation. Not just their weight-loss journey, but in all their health & wellness endeavors.

Can we have any hints at the next episode and what you’ll be talking about?

Well, our next episode will feature an iTrackBites Coach! She's sharing her deep gratitude and pride for her success with the app (she may or may not call it a lifesaver!!). It's an episode that will undoubtedly pull on your heart strings. It's sure to prove just how strong and inspiring our iTrackBites community is!We hope that you find yourself as excited and hopeful for this medium, as we are! Don't forget to like and subscribe to our new channel on Spotify. Keep an eye out for our next episode!Happy Tracking!

Updated on:

September 23, 2024