Our Newest App Feature: Community Mentions!

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Hi all! Happy Friday!

We're so excited to announce fun (and long awaited) company news! The newest iTrackBites app update is officially live! This new version of your beloved app champions a long awaited function within the community portion of the app. You- the users- are now officially capable of tagging or "mentioning" your iTrackBites friends in any Community post or comment! We know- it's riveting!! The loyal members that make up this incredible app, have waiting kindly and patiently for this feature. So we are absolutely thrilled to finally share it with you!For a little bit of background, our company takes app updates very very seriously. We have an entire team that plans, builds, tests, and evaluates the next great features that our app might house. These updates are planned months if not years in advance! Of course, it goes without saying, that dreaming up these big fun app ideas is far easier than actually building and perfecting them. This update is one that the entire iTrackBites team has been coveting all year, because we all knew just how revered it would be, by you all!For even deeper context, we'd be remiss if we didn't acknowledge just how valuable we consider our members to be! You all drive EVERY decision that we make as a company! That's not an exaggeration... every single one! When we were just presented with the idea of giving you all a stronger sense of connection through this simple app function, it was a no brainer. One of our strong company mottos is that weight loss might be a personal decision, but it is absolutely not an individual journey, in fact it only thrives with the support of others! Therefore, the capability of sharing your experiences on a private social thread, filled with people in a similar position, is absolutely priceless.Don't miss out on this brand new function! Simply go to the App Store or Google Play Store and download the most recent version of iTrackBites. When you want to "tag" or "mention" someone else, just simply strike the "@" key and begin typing their app username. Voila! You'll officially be notifying/ tagging/ mentioning them!Stay tuned for more fun Community campaigns we'll be doing to promote and encourage this new feature! We'll also be publishing app tutorials, Community best practices, and creative ways to engage with others! Comment any of your app update questions, below! Or- tell us what you'd like to see next! Until then...Happy tracking! And happy mentioning!!

Updated on:

September 23, 2024