Healthi Spring Cleaning


Hi all! Happy Spring!

In fear of being TOO cliche… we’ll admit that we’re craving some spring cleaning! If you remember, last year we published THIS blog post all about cleaning out your kitchen and pantry. We’re not saying that an organized pantry leads to weight loss… but we’re not NOT saying that either! If you’re anything like us, and craving that feeling of refreshment and newness in your kitchen, we have the perfect thing for you! In case you missed it, we announced HERE that the Healthi Shop dropped a huge new line of awesome products! With that, and the onset of Spring in mind, we thought it might be helpful to talk through the idea of spring cleaning… Healthi edition! We know that these aren’t new, necessarily, but cool and helpful nonetheless! The Pantry BITE Stickers have been a HUGE hit in the Healthi Shop… and for good reason! If you’re looking to clean out your pantry and create a more streamlined grab-and-go- kind of flow; look no further than these stickers. Simply scan your groceries, slap on the correlated BITE sticker, and boom. Never forget the BITE counts of your favorite items, ever again! This simple act will make daily food SO much easier! A win-win, if we’ve ever seen it! Another huge hit in the Healthi Shop has been The Healthi Box! Everyone is loving it! We decided that it would be fun to pull certain items out, up-level them, and sell them individually. Specifically, we decided that a glass lunch container could be a huge asset to our community’s kitchen/ pantry! Don’t just save your glass container for leftovers. Parcel up your fruits, veggies, green or proteins for ultimate organization in your refrigerator. Even better, use the Healthi app to determine your ideal serving sizes of those items and divvy them up into the containers for proper proportions. We just KNOW that the Silicone Storage Bags are going to be our next MVP! We’ve all been there… dinner is over, you’re pumped up about that one leftover piece of chicken that will be a perfect lunch for the next day. Then… the dreaded realization that you’ve used all of the ziplock baggies on silly things like kids lunches! UGH! Enter: the reusable storage bag! Spring clean out those drawers filled with arbitrary plastic baggies or empty cardboard boxes. Practice sustainability AND organization with these reusable, sealable, storage bags! Bonus points if you use the BITE stickers on top of the silicon bags or glass containers!Stay Healthi!

Updated on:

September 24, 2024