Three Simple Tips for a Healthier Summer


Join Coach Brianna this summer as she shares her top three health and wellness tips: eating more fiber, getting outside, and embracing intentional movement. Discover simple yet impactful habits to boost your well-being all season long. Happy summer and here’s to a healthier you!

Happy summer, Healthi family! Coach Brianna here. Today, I wanted to share a small piece of my journey with you. Let’s chat about three things I am focusing on this summer for my health and wellness. These are things you can (and, in my opinion, SHOULD) apply to your own health journey. Whether you are tracking everything you eat or taking a step back from tracking for one reason or another, focusing on these three things can still have a major impact on your progress this summer.

Eat More Fiber!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: fiber is the word of the year! Not only does fiber help your body balance blood sugar and help you feel satisfied when you eat, but the need for higher fiber consumption comes down to a super important health factor. Cases of colorectal cancer are now being found in 20 and 30-year-olds, and while there are a few factors at play here, the reality is that we generally eat a diet that is way too low in fiber, which can be a big part of the problem. Start keeping a mental tally of how much fiber you eat, and try to get at least 25g a day.Something worth noting: fiber can ONLY be found in carbohydrates! Remember, carbs are not the enemy here. It’s not about avoiding carbs but instead choosing more fiber-filled carbohydrates. Not only can you find fiber in fruits and vegetables, but don’t forget things like whole grains and beans to help you along your way.

Get Outside!

Yes, I know it’s hot, but hear me out. Getting sunlight is our body’s way of getting the ever-so-essential vitamin D. Sunshine is also critical in regulating our circadian rhythm, which dictates melatonin production and how we sleep. Getting sunshine first thing in the morning can actually help you sleep better at night. If it gets too hot in the middle of the afternoon, consider going outside for a walk first thing in the morning or maybe after dinner. My personal goal of spending time outside, weather permitting, helps me not only get the sunshine but also connect with nature, which is proving to be essential to our health as well. Plus, it allows me to get some extra steps if I choose to go for a walk. It’s a win-win all around.

Intentional Movement Daily

It’s not about getting a certain number of steps, but about making the consistent choice to move my body throughout the day, every day. We are learning that it is more important for the body to move consistently throughout the day rather than work out hard for an hour and then remain sedentary the rest of the day. How I am personally approaching this goal is by making sure I get up at least once an hour to move around, whether that be stepping in place, doing a chore, or getting outside and going for a spin around the block. Being intentional about movement breaks, paired with my desire to level up my workouts in general, means that my summer is going to be very fitness-oriented. Whether you have fitness goals or simply want to move a little more, being intentional about it is how it gets done.While none of these things feel like they are key players in the fitness journey, like setting, a specific proteins or calorie goal, the reality is this changes, while seemingly small will absolutely have a huge impact on my wellness journey as a whole all summer long. Don’t underestimate the power of seemingly simple but consistent habits. That’s where the magic in this journey is, my friend.Happy summer, and here’s to a healthier you!

Updated on:

September 23, 2024