Which Plan is the "BEST"?

App Help

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Hi Friends! Happy Saturday!

Be it through the coming of a new year, or just by total coincidence, we have quite a few new Members who have joined us as of late. We thought it would be helpful to walk you all through finding the “BEST” weight loss plan for you! You’ve made the first step (which is arguably the hardest), by looking into a health and wellness journey. Now you’ll need to decide which direction your next few steps should be in. To fully encompass this topic we’ve brought in Coach Jeri and Coach Lisa.

In the macro-view, the iTrackBites Weight Loss Plans are grouped into three categories. First category is low-carb. Through our Carb Conscious and Keeping Keto plans, we guide you to decreasing your simple carbohydrate intake in an effort to rewire how and what your body needs and processes for fuel. The second category is low-sugar. We offer the Sugar Smart and Better Balance plans to help curb that sweet tooth. We reward nutritious eating with low BITE counts and penalize sugary processed foods, in hopes of encouraging new habits. Lastly we have Conquer Cravings and Calorie Command in the genre of portion control. These two plans don’t favor any foods specifically, but rather the size and impact of the meal as a whole.

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The Carb Conscious plan focuses on limiting the amount of simple carbohydrates eaten, helping your body burn the right type of fuel.

This is a high-fat, very low-carb diet that focuses on drastically reducing carbs that are absorbed by the body and replacing them with fat in order to lower blood sugar and shift your metabolism away from carbs and towards fat and ketones.

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With Sugar Smart, you’ll prioritize a low sugar diet to help make the change. The Sugar Smart plan focuses on helping you kick those sugar-laden foods to the backseat.

Balance focuses on helping you learn to control your eating through awareness enabling you to prioritize healthy eating and focus on fresh, whole food options.

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Portion Control

The Calorie Command plan is a straight forward plan with no special rules, no food group restrictions, no rounding, no magic math giving you the most flexibility in your meal choices.

The Conquer Craving plan focuses on helping you manage portion sizes and create balanced eating habits with moderation. You will learn to satisfy your cravings by learning to control your portion sizes and adopting a balanced eating style to enjoy everything in moderation.

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Before we dive into the in’s and outs of the “BEST” plans, it’s important to understand that any of these weight loss plans have the potential to be the “BEST” for you. Rather than relying on other Member’s recipes, hacks, or experiences; we think it’s important to deeply consider your own habits. Try to figure out what you like to eat, where you struggle, and what feels the most important to you. Think about your day to day schedule and routine. As a mom of three your meal regimen probably looks different than our male elderly friend’s diet. It’s important to know thyself and listen to your body when deciding on a weight loss plan.

Hi all! Coach Jeri here!

The question most often asked on community and Facebook is, “Which is the best plan? Which plan will I lose the fastest with?”. My answer is always the same. The plan that is the most comfortable and livable for you is the best plan. You can certainly change if you feel it is not working. What I love about iTrackBites is; if you loved one plan better than the others and had success, then that’s the plan to stick with rather than worrying about the company bouncing around from one plan to the next holistically. The best plan again is the one that you can live with and not feel deprived of.

Enter: Head Coach Lisa

My perspective is this... The best plan is the one that is going to help you be successful based on how you are realistically going to eat on it. Do you struggle with WHAT to eat and making good food choices? Or, controlling HOW MUCH you eat even if healthy foods? Do you need a plan that easily supports eating out and prepared foods or do you cook mostly from home? Are sweets and snacking a problem? Better Balance and Sugar Smart help control sugar because they cost you more BITES, while lean proteins are encouraged and cost you less. If you don't have a problem controlling sugar then Carb Conscious is a very balanced program despite its name. It is a simple low carb plan that considers carbohydrates in the equation. Conquer Cravings and Calorie Command are going to be great options for portion control if the issue is more HOW MUCH to eat vs WHAT to eat.

In my opinion, it is about looking at why you overeat and the obstacles you struggle with and picking a plan that will help with that. Then commit to working and understanding that plan fully for a minimum of 30 days. The plans are just different ways of tracking - if you eat the same no matter which plan you are on - how you track that doesn't really make a difference.

So here are my suggestions:

🔹 Choose a plan based on what you need to focus on and will maintain doing, that allows for your lifestyle. If you aren't sure - start with Conquer Cravings as it will give you a good structure to build from.

🔹 Commit to 30 days of honest tracking. Yes, 30 days at a minimum. Plan hopping isn't helpful. While changing plans isn't going to hurt anything... They are all written to allow for the same weight loss in a similar time frame. There isn't a fastest or best plan - otherwise everyone would just be doing that one already. It depends on what you need help with then getting it.

🔹 Set your weigh in day to be successful - if you know you struggle with weekends - setting your weigh-in day for Monday can either be a disappointing disaster or a motivation to stay on track.

🔹 Follow the plan as designed. Don't start a new plan making tweaks and adjustments you've seen other members do. Work it as it was designed for a while then adjust if you need to.

🔹 Make sure you are eating the right amount. Especially on Sugar Smart or Better Balance, it is easy to either be very under on calories (like under 1000) or easily exceed calories if you are eating a lot of Zero-BITE foods. Using calories as a Secondary Metric is a great way to do this without any extra work.

🔹 Eat healthier. It sounds simple but many people just eat whatever foods are within their BITES and call it a day. And many of them lose but only for so long. In most cases, long term, sustainable weight loss needs you to make the shift to healthier habits.

🔹 Know your Zero-BITE food list if there is one. They are different for each plan. Don't go changing foods to 0 BITES unless you are 100% sure. Some things you think will be, may not, due to added sugars or oils. All brands of the same item are not the same.

🔹 Watch my YouTube Video on the best plan to start with HERE.

Coach Jeri and Coach Lisa stress the need to understand yourself. What you struggle with and what you want to focus on. We’ve prepared the following quick reference guide to help you get started:

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Is made for those who:

Read Ambassador Jordan’s Q&A on Carb Conscious

Read the Carb Conscious Clinical Guide

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Is made for those who:

Read Ambassador Genie’s Q&A on Keeping Keto

Read the Keeping Keto Clinical Guide

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Is made for those who:

Read Ambassador Hibah’s Q&A on Sugar Smart

Read the Sugar Smart Clinical Guide

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Is made for those who:

Read Ambassador Paul’s Q&A on Better Balance

Read the Better Balance Clinical Guide

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Is made for those who:

Read Ambassador Rachel's Q&A on Calorie Command

Read the Calorie Command Clinical Guide

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Is made for those who:

Read Head Coach Lisa’s Q&A on Conquer Cravings

Read the Conquer Cravings Clinical Guide

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We hope you find this read informative and inspiring. Beginning a weight loss journey is a tough thing sometimes. Especially when you’re not sure where to start, who to trust, what to measure, etc etc,. We have endless forms of support, encouragement, and coaching. We encourage you to comment below, ask questions in the Community in the app, or find us on Instagram to get your concerns cleared up.

Happy Tracking!


Updated on:

September 23, 2024